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How to make a payment

You can make a payment using your credit card or digital wallet.

  • Credit Card: You can instantly make a payment using your credit card. Your credit card details will never be stored.
  • Digital Wallet: You can allocate funds towards a task using your digital wallet and once you're happy with the work being complete you can release the funds. You can also instantly make a payment using your digital wallet.

To make a payment within a task:

  1. Navigate to the task you wish to make a payment for.
  2. Click the "Payments" tab
  3. Click the orange button to either allocate a payment or approve a payment.
  4. A window will popup prompting you to select a payment method: Credit Card or Wallet.
  5. Credit Card: Enter your credit card details as prompted and click the orange "Pay Now" button.
  6. Wallet: You will be prompted to either "Pay Now" or "Allocate" your funds.

To make a payment within "Financials" feature:

  1. Navigate to the "Spend vs Budget Tracker" tab.
  2. Click on the cost centre you wish to make a payment towards.
  3. Click on the specific task you wish to make a payment towards.
  4. Click the orange button to either allocate a payment or approve a payment.
  5. A window will popup prompting you to select a payment method: Credit Card or Wallet.
  6. Credit Card: Enter your credit card details as prompted and click the orange "Pay Now" button.
  7. Wallet: You will be prompted to either "Pay Now" or "Allocate" your funds.

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