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How to tag a document

Tagging documents in Build Buddy ensures they’re organised and easily accessible. Here's how you can tag a document:

When you upload a document in the Document Library, you’ll be prompted to tag it:

  1. Select the relevant Tag from the "File" dropdown list.
  2. Choose the most appropriate checkbox that categorises your document.
  3. For example, if you're uploading an Owner Builder certificate, select the "Owner Builder – Permit/Certificate" tag.

Sometimes, a task will prompt you to upload a document, guiding you through the tagging process:

  1. For instance, a task might appear saying: "BASIX Assessor: Upload the BASIX Assessment" or "Building Certifier (CC): Upload the Construction Certificate."
  2. The task will specify which tag to use for the document you're uploading.
  3. Follow the document upload steps below to complete the process.

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