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How to view different layers

This is regarding the "Designer" feature, only available in the desktop login.

To view different layers on your land in Build Buddy, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Designer" page from the navigation bar.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon on the left and enter your site address.
  3. On the right-hand side, you'll see a layers icon—click it.
  4. A list of available layers will appear.
  5. You can toggle the layers on or off to see various details about your land, such as:
  6. Zonings: See what your land is zoned for and any special purposes (like tourism zones).
  7. Contours: Check for slopes and ground elevation with detailed or basic contour views.
  8. Max Building Heights: View in 2D or 3D the maximum heights allowed for buildings on your site.
  9. Flood, bushfire, and other zones: Identify areas at risk for floods, bushfires, heritage sites, or environmental concerns like koala biodiversity or fire ant zones.
  10. Easements and utilities: See easements, water supply pipes, and strata lots.
  11. Suburb and council boundaries: View boundary lines for your suburb or council area.
  12. Transport areas: See rail lines or transport-oriented development zones.
  13. Satellite and near-map views: Switch between satellite imagery and map views.

These layers provide valuable insights to help you better understand your land and any building restrictions or considerations.

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