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Task Statuses

Task statuses provide a quick visual guide to help you track progress at a glance. As you work through each task, the status automatically update based on your actions and the task's dependencies.

Here’s what each status means:

Task statuses - Quotes Received

Solid Orange: Requires Your Attention – This task is ready for your action.

Task statuses - Work In Progress

Reverse Orange: Waiting for Others – This task is pending someone else’s action before you can proceed.

Task statuses - waiting construction

Solid Grey: Future Task – No immediate action required; this task will come up later in the project.

Task statuses - Standby icon

Reverse Grey: Dependent Task – This task depends on the completion of preceding steps and will become actionable once they’re completed.

Task statuses - Ready for review icon

Green: Task Completed – Congratulations! This task is marked complete.

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