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The Dashboard serves as your mission control centre, offering a complete overview of your project’s status, financials, and tasks.
A status bar provides a visual snapshot of how your project is progressing. You can easily see which stages have been completed and which are still pending.
You can also click on the “Progress Breakdown” button which will give you access to a dropdown menu displaying the 10 stages of the build process. You can track progress by seeing which tasks have been successfully completed and what remains. It provides a comprehensive view of your project's key aspects like design, budgeting, and certification.
This section tracks and displays all the financial aspects of your project in real-time. It provides a breakdown of how your project budget is allocated, tracking the amount you've paid, what’s due, and what remains.
The total has a breakdown as follows:
Based on the work completed and in progress, the platform calculates and provides an expected completion date. If tasks or deadlines are adjusted, the projected completion date will automatically update.
This section shows how much you have saved compared to your initial pricing estimate. It's updated as you move through the build, helping you track your financial efficiency.
This feature provides you with an estimate value on how much you are on track to save so far based on a standard estimate.
This section keeps you updated on the latest communications related to your project with your service providers.
Your digital wallet is a reflection of your nominated external bank account, where you can allocate and release payments as you wish.
The digital wallet let's you see:
Available Funds: How much of your wallet is available to spend and has not been allocated.
Wallet Balance: Reflects the total amount being transacted
Pending Funds (if applicable): How much is currently in the process of being released
Allocated Funds: Funds that have been allocated to a PRO, but has not been released.
Your tasks are categorised into five distinct categories for easy navigation:
These categories are at the top of the task section, positioned just below your forecasted budget. As you progress through the build process, new tasks will be automatically generated to keep you on track and ensure a smooth workflow.